"But as truly as I live, all the earth shall be filled with the glory of the LORD."
The name "Christadelphian" is adapted from the Greek and indicates "Brethren of Christ". We are a community of Bible students who believe in the One True God of Israel (Deut. 6:4; John 17:3; Heb.11:6), and His Son - Jesus Christ (Luke 1:32-35; 1 Cor. 8:6) as revealed in what is known as the Holy Scriptures or The Bible. We believe that only The Bible, and an accurate understanding of it, provides man with God's revealed will for His purpose with this earth and for the destiny of mankind (2 Timothy 3:16).
We embrace the Promises made to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (Gen. 12; 13; 15; 17; 22; etc) as well as the Promises made to David (2 Sam. 7) - also called the "Everlasting Covenant", and what the Apostle Paul summarized as "The Hope of Israel". These promises contain the Divine outline for God's purpose with the earth. These Promises still await fulfillment (Heb. 11:13;39) and comprise an eternal inheritance of the earth (Psa. 37) as centered from the Land of Israel; a future, literal and universal Kingdom to be ruled from Jerusalem (Is. 2:2-4); and a promised Seed (Christ) in whom both the natural seed of Abraham and Gentiles might receive deliverance from sin and death and inheritance of the blessings contained in the Promises (Gen. 22:17; John 3:16; Gal. 3:16;24-29).
Due to the prophetic indicators found in the Scriptures and the corresponding "signs of the time", we live in expectation of the soon return of Jesus to put an end to all current rule and to establish everlasting righteousness and peace on earth.
The Great Salvation
A pamphlet summarizing the plan of salvation in a clear and consice form - dealing with subject matter such as:
The importance of correct belief
The true nature and relationship between God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit explained
The nature of man, immortality and resurrection
The "devil" and "hell" Biblically explained
The Gospel message and the eternal role of the earth to the glorification of God and as the everlasting inheritance of the righteous
The critical role of the promises made to Abraham and David in the Plan of Salvation
The return of Christ to this earth
Common questions and objections addressed
Video Series
We are providing a video series to cover the same Biblical concepts covered in the "Great Salvation". This is a work in progress, but it is the intent to provide an overview of God's Plan of Salvation while at the same time expanding on certain principles as well through these videos.